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Re: Whadaya think

To: "T. S. White" <>
Subject: Re: Whadaya think
From: "Robert Roberts" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 08:41:11 -0800
Cc: "triumphs" <>
References: <>
Tom:  Sounds plausible. One question:  where is the capacity float in
relation to the filler-fuel outlet?

Bob Roberts
----- Original Message -----
From: "T. S. White" <>
To: "Triumphs List" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:50 PM
Subject: Whadaya think

> I need to replumb the fuel line to my fuel tank.  I did this already
> with sttel braid line but I used old line and it is deteriorating.  The
> usual way would be to drain the ten gallons, or so, of gas out of the
> tank first.  This takes time, is awkward, and somewhat hzardous.
> So I had a brainstorm.  The fuel outlet in my tank has a direct line of
> sight with the filler cap.  So I have epoxied a cork to the end of a
> dowell rod.  I plan to plug the fuel outlet in the tank from the inside
> and then remove the lines and replace them.  Then I will pull the dowell
> rod and the cork will unplug from the fuel outlet.
> Sounds like a good plan, huh.  Whadaya think?  Thanks.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Tom

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