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Dashpot oil fill questions

To: "List" <> i2C1l78A013068
Subject: Dashpot oil fill questions
From: "Jim Holmgren" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 20:41:48 -0500
Thread-index: AcQHy3yEhCBsWQ6tQSawZ3XsdssHxwABTSWQ
Thread-topic: Dashpot oil fill questions
Hi gang,
Newbie questions of the day for me...I pulled the carb dashpot damper on
my '75 Spitfire today...and noticed that it is dry the whole way down.

1)  What type of oil should be used in this application?  The Haynes
manual specifies "general purpose" oil...would this be like your basic
household "3-in-1" household oil?

2)  The manual states to "top-up the damper guide with suitable oil to
within 1/4 inch of it's rim".  So, is the "rim" the actual top of the
tube including the threaded part that the damper cap threads into (in
other words do I basically fill the entire tube?), or is it to within a
1/4" of the top of the smooth-bore section of the tube (has 2 notches in
it) that is about 2/3 of the way down?  Or is it something completely

Apologies for what is probably a very simple Q&A, but I'm still learning
my way around.

Thanks all!

'75 Spitfire 1500
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