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TR6 trunnions..oil or grease?

To: <> FILETIME=[530D80C0:01C406CE]
Subject: TR6 trunnions..oil or grease?
From: "Wages, Jeffrey" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 13:34:29 -0500
Thread-index: AcQGzlKIPhoAuw9QRCqE3jDqgx3Xow==
Thread-topic: TR6 trunnions..oil or grease?
Hi all,

I'm hoping for some definitive answer here.  In regards to the trunnions on a
TR6.  I've read and been told conflicting statements regarding whether you
should fill them with 90W oil or grease.  The service manual indicates 90W but
I was told by the local British car parts store that the trunnions will not
hold oil and that you need to run grease.

Which is correct?


71 & 73 TR6

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