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RE: TR3 Rear Wheel Cylinder retaining plate

To: <>
Subject: RE: TR3 Rear Wheel Cylinder retaining plate
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 00:35:03 -0700
> I can use more advice.  I'm putting new rear wheel cylinders on.
> The workshop
> manual talks about a retaining plate and a spring plate, both of
> which I've
> managed to put on over the rubber dust cover (with the help of silicone
> grease).
> But the picture breakout in my workshop manual shows a "distance
> piece" that
> should be going over the top of the retaining plate.  Yet it
> seems to me that
> there is absolutely no room left for the distance piece.
> Am I missing a step?  Should I grind the POR 15 from the back
> plate and try
> again (it's not that thick)?  Or is the distance piece optional for if you
> need it?  Or maybe there's a trick for installing them?

Argh, it's been too long, I've forgotten the details and what each plate is
called.  There is indeed a trick, starting with at least one of the manuals
shows the pieces in the wrong order.  The smaller outermost piece goes on
first, then the piece next to the backing plate goes on, both with the
little tabs facing away from the backing plate.  Then the third piece gets
driven into place between the first two pieces, until the tabs on the piece
next to the backing plate lock into the notches on the piece you're driving
in.  That's what holds the whole thing together, so without that last piece,
the others are in danger of falling out on the road.  It goes together
pretty snug, you shouldn't be able to wiggle the slave when you're done.


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