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re: Machine shops and costs of machining...Please Help

Subject: re: Machine shops and costs of machining...Please Help
From: "john matthews" <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 23:11:58 -0700 FILETIME=[D5411A10:01C349CE]
Hi Sean,

When I rebuilt my 4 engine I took the crank down to Penniman and Richards on 
First st.
The machinist there looked at it, took a few measurements, and told me to 
put it back in.
When I asked about nitriding he said it wasn't needed unless you're building 
a race engine.

Unfortunately they closed their machine shop about 5 years back, so I had to 
find someone new....

I've had good luck with with Ralph's Auto Machine, it's right behind the SJ 
Arena near downtown.
It's been a few years since I used them so YMMV.

You can have your crankshaft balanced, but it needs to be done with the 
flywheel and clutch assembly if you really want to make a difference. What I 
did is purchased a digital scale and balanced my pistons and rods myself by 
removing enough material that they all weigh the same. I also polished the 
pistons before assembly.

You should ask yourself what kind of an engine you are building before you 
spend any more money on machine work. Remember, these are tractor engines 
we're talking about here. If you plan on racing your car you should really 
have someone else build the engine unless you have unlimited time and money, 
otherwise just follow the manual and take your time on assembly. Talk to 
your fellow club members. You are a member of Triumph Travelers aren't you? 
Good luck with it.


John Matthews
'61 Herald
'63 TR 4


Take you camshaft and lifters to Elgin. They'll know exactly what to do!!!
It may take a few weeks, but definitely worth it.

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