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RE: restoration

To: "'Michael Hargreave Mawson'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: restoration
From: "David A. Templeton" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 12:28:28 -0400
> And, alas, it is also true that the most cost-effective way to end up
> owning a fully-restored TR is to buy one in that condition in
> the first
> place. :-(
I was watching a Canadian show about 2 weeks ago, "Classic Car Restorations"
and they were talking about this particular subject and they used a Jag
XK-150 as the example.  The "expert" was saying that in '80's the car would
have cost $60K Cdn to restore and the owner could have sold it for $100K
Cdn.  Today is a different matter, that car would still cost $60K Cdn
restore professionally but would only be worth $30K Cdn.  His advice was to
by the $60K Jag for $30K.  Or to spend the maximum you can on a

oh well...

David Templeton
'59 Triumph TR3a
'74 Triumph Spitfire

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