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RE: restoration

To: "''" <>, "" <>
Subject: RE: restoration
From: john & patricia donnelly <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 08:23:07 -0700 id h5OFPGBd028809
Before I restored my TR4A I had thought of buying a previously restored TR, but 
my wife changed my mind when she put it in simple terms ... "you have a TR to 
enjoy, have some fun building it, then more fun driving it. If something goes 
wrong you'll know exactly the condition it's in."

Made great sense to me. So that's what I did.

But, if I were to do it all over again, I'd take a body class at a local 
college, and a welding class. Those were the two areas where I could have saved 
a lot money. I'd probably leave the final blocking and painting to the 
professionals but all the "underneath" stuff I could have done.

My .002"

John in San Diego

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