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RE: Reducing exhaust sound

To: "'Dave Massey'" <>
Subject: RE: Reducing exhaust sound
From: Mark Hooper <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 17:13:53 -0400
Cc: "Triumph List (E-mail)" <>
And when you lose a bearing it's "The Anvil Chorus" eh? :^)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Massey []
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 4:58 PM
To: Mark Hooper
Cc: 'Dave Massey'; Triumph List (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Reducing exhaust sound

Message text written by Mark Hooper
>Hmmm... Note to self, "Self, change musical habits. No more Debussy for
>from now on it's AC/DC and Hell's Bells at 200 Watts!"

Talk about overreacting.  I'm talking Tchaikovsky 1812 or Capriccioso
Italienne.  Save Claire de Lune for the picnic and the end of the drive.

>It doesn't sound like a whistle from the back, really like escaping
>from the engine compartment. The back is really deep rumble or roar (I
>that), the high-pitched part is just annoying. I'll check out the wrapping
>but I have visions of this stuff disintegrating and the inside of my
>compartment becoming something out of Jacques Cousteau with gently waving
>tendrils of wrapper fluttering in the breeze. That or "The Mummy Walks".
>People staring in the compatrment and backing away crying out in horror,
>"It's alive!"

I must admit that I have no experience with this stuff but others on the
list have and perhaps they will offer up opinions.



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