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RE: Is there anywhere in the world...?

To: "'Mark Hooper'" <>, "'Gerald Van Vlack'" <>,
Subject: RE: Is there anywhere in the world...?
From: "Paige, Dean" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 10:04:19 -0700
Cc: "'Bill & Skip Pugh'" <>

What you said! I actually learned a lot about my fellow list LBC'rs and
their surroundings this little excursion. And, apparently the hatred that
Jerry detected was no more than a fit of mental indegestion that was
appropriately and amicably resolved as it usually is amongst friends when
they find out (what a wonder) that even the best of friends do not always
agree on everything. This little geo/taxation tour was actually quite

Here's the situation on the CA North Bay area (Santa Rosa and environs).
Heart of Sonoma Wine Country. Luther Burbank and Jack London called the area
God's Country. My place is a 3 year old 1550 sq ft slab on grade/wood
frame/Ferro-tile roof bungalow w/2 car garage, on a 55 x 65 lot. Built in
fire and security system, central air, AC, fireplace, hot tub, great
neighbors, at the western rural edge of town, adjacent to really good 18
hole golf course (no I don't golf). Recent re-fi. appraisal puts value @
425K. I owe 24K. on a 20 year fixed @ 5.25%. Prop taxes @ 3.6K annual.
Homeowners ins. (excluding quake) but w/full fire @ $400/yr. Sales tax @
7.5%. Middle management income covers this all nicely and allows a notable
bi weekly paycheck diversion to a deferred income account in addition to
employer paid retirement system contribution and employer provided health &
dental insurance. Drive to and from work opposite the commute with a ride of
about 20 mins on little traveled absolutely gorgeous county roads. 

Good hospitals, good schools, good restaurants, great cultural events,
Junior College and State University nearby. Lots of social life, Pacific
close, S. F. in the near distance. Tahoe in the mid distance. Lots of LBCs
COUNTY this last weekend. I was in Calistoga for lunch yesterday! Maybe next

As for the rest of you please come visit, stay awhile, spend some money,
enjoy the wine the weather and the song. Take a ride with me in the TR-6 or
the Jag (your choice) and then....GO HOME!

Love from La La Land



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hooper []
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:09 AM
To: 'Gerald Van Vlack';
Subject: RE: Is there anywhere in the world...?

Gerry, a little bickering does not a war make. Anything chatting about
different life choices will touch a sensitive spot from time to time. It
happens. Spice of life stuff. I still like to have my little chat with some
of the guys on more than just "My God, just exactly how hard is a #8 bolt?"
It adds to the sense of community. And yes, I do have friends not in
Internet land too. Actually though, my business work is conducted so much by
telephone and e-mail that I have to say the at least 80% of the people I
work with I rarely meet. It's that way for many people today. A little side
chatter gives confidence in the character of the people, not just their
professed expertise. It helps when you're betting the farm on it. Before I
take the advise of some unseen person on how to adjust my brakes, I like to
feel good about that person's judgement. The life I save may be my own. Not
to mention it's a window into a different part of the world. Look around,
this world could use a little more understanding. :^)



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