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An OD Problem?

To: TR List <>
Subject: An OD Problem?
Date: Sun, 01 Jun 2003 23:01:35 -0400
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Hi List!
    I don't know where or how to Start in solving my OD problem. I've 
got it adjusted so when I turn on the electric switch, it mechanically 
goes into gear. :-)  I went out to a local car show [100 miles one way] 
to finish installing the 1st 500 miles on the engine. I decided to use 
the through way instead of the back roads. My reasoning was this:     
I'm at the 350 mile Break In (BI) & this 200 mile trip will put me past 
the 500 mile torque head/adj. values maintance. If I'm to be Test Riding 
(TR) the engine for future driving conditions & the next big trip is 
going to be a 7 hr. thruway drive, then put it on the thruway now. :-\ 
 So I did! The  engine  ran great! :-)  But it was interesting in the 
fact that It's 20 miles to the thruway, & I was using my OD checking 
RPM's @ various speeds with it on & off. Everything is working find. I 
stopped to meet some other local club members to caravan to the show by 
thruway. We enter the thruway & turned on the the OD. Working great @ 
higher speeds, but had to make a caravan stop for one of the members 
about 60 down the road, so naturally I had to turn of the OD to park. We 
get back on the thruway & I switch on the OD electric switch. The OD 
light goes on , but it doesn't engage into OD. :-\  After about another 
20 miles @ 60 MPH or 3000 RPM's, we stop to pay the toll [Sorry, but 
this is doesn't :-D ]. We drive for about 3 miles to the show & there is 
a short stretch on 55 MPH road, so try the OD, & this time all works 
well. :-)  So after the show, we stopped for gas [Same member's car from 
before, to get gas, this time]. I had tested the OD to have it work. 
After the gas, we're on the Thruway, & I switch on the OD to leave it on 
until I get off the thruway, with it working well. All of this TR, I'm 
slowly increacing the RPM's with the OD on [up to about 80 MPH or about 
3500 PRM's :-\ ].  When I stop to pay toll, I had to switch off the OD. 
The last 20 Miles I go to switch on the OD & NO Engagement. :-(  I park 
the TR4/A into the Garage for 2 1/2 hr. I start up the car with little 
use of the choke (to the TR) & test the OD, & it works. :-\ :-\  I'm 
running with Valveloine Straight 50 Wt. Non -Detergent motor oil.
    Summary:    The OD works when engine is cold or ran for a short 
period of time, but when it warms up of  an hour of meeting thermostat 
temp. or more than 40 min. & shut off, then the OD DOESN'T work until 
the engine cools down.
1- Is it electrical? If so, what is your thinking? :-\
2- Is it mechanical? If so, then What do you think it is? & send your 
view of the remedy to fix it.
    I just stumped on this one. TIA, to all those than answer.
-Cosmo Kramer

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