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RE: Head retorque

To: "Paige, Dean" <>
Subject: RE: Head retorque
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 11:04:47 -0700 FILETIME=[FC71A3F0:01C30F42]
Cc: "triumphs" <>
Hoo Boy, here we go again.

In a nutshell, the Triumph factory torque specs are given for a cold engine.
The "correct" torque values will change somewhat for a warm engine (and
depend to some extent on just how warm, and the temperature gradient between
different locations).  Although many theories have been offered, AFAIK no
one knows for sure exactly what the hot torque should be for Triumphs.  Some
other manufacturers do quote hot specs.

But, "this ain't rocket science" and there is actually a wide range of
torque values that will work well.  So, doing the retorque at all is much
more important than whether it's done hot or cold.

ISTR the TR2 factory workshop manual says to retorque cold @ 500 miles, but
I don't have it handy to check.

Bottom line, as John K. already said, do what the manual says!


> -----Original Message-----
> You will pardon me please if I misspeak but, it has always been
> my practice
> and, as I understood, standard proceedure to retorque head bolts on the TR
> engines. However it is also my understanding that the retorque is
> NEVER done
> on a warm/hot engine.

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