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Re: Raccoons, I have raccoons! Little LBC content.

Subject: Re: Raccoons, I have raccoons! Little LBC content.
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2003 23:09:33 EDT
Hey Hugh!

Really...........I don't think raccoons are mean.         If hungry, they may 
take an ole cat or a small dog........but a Big dog???........not unless 
attacked........they could take out a wolf, if attacked......and maybe even can shoot'em.........not a 
problem...........but! I have always liked animal control.....I keep any cats 
or small dogs that I might have, inside.........(much less 
expensive..........for a variety of reasons)........

Again, don't think they are mean....just hungry or defensive....I've been 
within 3' of a large 40 lb. one........I just backed off a bit.....and he 
waddled away..........(guess he wasn't that hungry, eh?.......<g>.......)

I like the ideas of keeping all food where they can't get to it.......and 
seal up all entry to a place you don't wish them to be.........I 
think.........even if they can get in.......they won't come back if there is 
nothing there  to eat........

Clark, ............Army marksman with 5 weapons........and 
expert racoon trapper. (Hurrah!!!)..........never shot a racoon, don't 
believe in killing anything that I can handle in some other way.......but 
have trapped many raccoons and sent them to a rehab center..........(town 
raccoons, raised in town, have no idea how to survive in the 
wild..........they can open garbage cans, steal your kitty's food, but catch 
a frog or a snake?..........absolutely no they need to be 
gradually reintroduced into the wild................the older I get, and the 
closer to death that I get..........the less and less I want to take the life 
of, maybe.........(sh--, 
.......sometimes I even let them out the door..........their maggots eat up 
dead carrion, just recycling all the while..........)

As Red Green says, "Remember..............I'm rootin for ya...........we're 
all in this together!"

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