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RE: Lets stay on topic folks

To: "'Paige, Dean'" <>,
Subject: RE: Lets stay on topic folks
From: Mark Hooper <>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 16:39:23 -0500

Like you I find the acidic remarks being made on the list to be unfortunate.
I think we should all just let this one die down. I am one of the
blabbermouths on the list and I have been avoiding public posts on this
subject like the plague. On a worldwide list like this one there is just no
way we are going to have concensus. Better to avoid the whole sorry subject.
The truth is that whether there is a war, is no war, is another solution
altogether, people are going to die sorting this one out. That is what is
really sad. 

I don't run the world, or even a small part of it. I don't have a perfect
solution that nobody in the entire world has thought of before. So I am
going to keep my opinion to myself and hope for the best. In the meantime
there are people on the list whom I hold in high regard and do not wish to
alienate for some situation so far out of my hands.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paige, Dean []
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 3:47 PM
To: '';;
Subject: RE: Lets stay on topic folks

>I for one do not categorize my relationships based on geopolitical views
>vary from mine. The world is a big and diverse place. Room for most of us
>the table.  What was that line from West Side Story? "Stay with your own
>kind." A divisive creed then and now. REAL sad!


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