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RE: Electronic Ignition and Positive ground?

To: <>
Subject: RE: Electronic Ignition and Positive ground?
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 19:37:13 -0700
> Granted it was over a decade ago when I put the electronic
> ignition on the car
> . . .but I specifically remember having to order a different part
> number for
> the positive ground version . . .and also seem to remember
> warning stickers on
> the device itself stating that it was only for positive ground.

Well, I got lazy and didn't disagree with Dave.  The older units were indeed
unique for positive ground, I believe the current ones are not.  The test I
described before (test for continuity between the case and either power
lead) will tell you which unit you have.


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