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RE: Inner and Outer Collar on Exhaust Valves

To: "'6 Pack List (E-mail)'" <>, "'Triumph Mailing List (E-mail)'" <>
Subject: RE: Inner and Outer Collar on Exhaust Valves
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 19:52:49 -0700
I wasn't paying attention before ... it should also be possible to make 1/2
tooth and 1/4 tooth adjustments in cam timing.  The factory cam gear has 4
holes in it, but only 2 are used at a time.  If I remember correctly, using
the other pair of holes results in a 1/2 tooth difference, while flipping
the gear front to back causes a 1/4 tooth difference; but I could have that

I've also heard that some aftermarket gears are not cut properly, so this
doesn't work.


> One of my friends corrected me about the statement below. One cam
> degree is
> equal to two crank degrees. So one tooth on the 48-tooth cam gear is
> equivalent of 15 crank degrees. Or as he said "A tooth is a
> tooth," whether
> it's on the 24-tooth crank gear or the 48-tooth cam gear.
> > The cam spec is max lift at 112 deg. I count 48 teeth on the
> > cam gear. This
> > gives 7.5 cam degrees or 3.75 crank degrees per tooth. So, I
> > don't think I
> > can get any closer without an offset key or one of those
> > dial-in gears.

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