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RE: Inner and Outer Collar on Exhaust Valves

Subject: RE: Inner and Outer Collar on Exhaust Valves
From: Hugh Fader <>
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 22:44:50 -0400
Thanks for the info. I'll swap the collars around tomorrow and check the
installed height.

- Hugh

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 7:55 PM
> To:;
> Subject: Re: Inner and Outer Collar on Exhaust Valves
> In a message dated 4/27/02 4:47:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << So now, my question is: What is the function of the double
> collar? The
>  exhaust springs will have more pre-load and more load when
> fully open. Is
>  this to keep them from binding or something?
>  - Hugh Fader >>
> Is this double collar a tin cover that goes over the spring
> or a two piece
> looking spring retainer?  ( the part that has a hole for the
> valve stem)
> The following is for engines in general:
> If it is a two piece retainer it may be a valve rotator.
> These are used on
> the exhaust valve and are really just a bearing that allows
> the exhause valve
> to rotate a bit each time the valve is opened and closed.
> The theory is if a
> piece of carbon is stuck in the seat the valve rotation will tend to
> displace/crush/grind the debri.  If a valve is a non rotator,
> there is a
> chance the carbon will be imbedded into the seat causing it
> to burn a valve.
> Usually the valve springs or the valves are of differing
> heights to allow
> proper spring installed height.  Have you measured installed
> height?  Miss
> matched parts should have a pretty substantial height
> problem, something like
> 3/16" or greater.
> If it is a tin cover, I've seen these on some engines but
> don't remember what
> valve they go on.

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