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RE: Wanted: suggestions for a travel kit

Subject: RE: Wanted: suggestions for a travel kit
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 08:54:44 -0700
> so if you have a hose failure on route to wherever, that babbling brook
> can be a source for emergency coolant. Why bring 4 quarts of Castrol 20/50
> when you can but it from any number of sources.

This obviously depends on where you will be driving.  In the US West, it's
not at all uncommon to be out of reasonable walking distance of water,
especially water you would want to put in a radiator, let alone 20/50.  In
the desert, I also carry lots of water for occupants, which can be used in
the radiator in a pinch.  A mylar reflective blanket (shade) and a few
thousand calories of food are also good things to have along in the desert.

> BUT - I do emphasize that I have now concluded that if my car is at all
> marginal, I'll take the dairly driver wherever.

My Triumph (well, one of them at least) is my "darely driver" <g>


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