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Re: TR3 OD Trans Cable

Subject: Re: TR3 OD Trans Cable
From: <>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 7:20:10 -0400
I can confirm someone was making fiberglass access covers - I have one.  
However, when I received the new plastic tunnel from TRF, it already had a 
bulge to accommodate the angle drive.  I am considering modifying the tunnel 
cover, to cut the bulge out, rivet in a backing colar, and then hold the bulge 
piece in place with a couple of screws and spire nuts.

Contact me off-list - I may soon be willing to part with the fiberglass cover.

> From:
> Date: 2002/04/25 Thu AM 01:46:58 EDT
> To:,
> Subject: Re: TR3 OD Trans Cable
> stop that pounding Bill..
> TR4As w/ODs used a steel plate with a hump to accomodate that angle-drive. 
> You can see it in the Moss International catalogue - item #809271 - but I 
> don't see it available in the price book - NLA new I guess. At least you can 
> see the shape and idea of it. A small plate about the size of the solenoid 
> access plate (other side) but a little more complex with the bump pressed 
> into it. If you want a xerox of it let me know..
> Ps; you might be able to remove the angle drive and route straight out and 
> through the special rubber boot - like on a TR4..
> Ps2; I thought someone on the list was making these covers in fiberglass a 
> few years ago.. one of the Brads on the list??
> Carl
> '63TR4
> >> I have a TR6 OD trans in my TR3. I am putting the 
> trans hump back in and the cable drive on the right side of 
> the OD rubs against the hump. It is a 90 degree sending 
> unit thing. I have tried pounding the hump for more 
> clearance, but it still needs more and I am afraid to bang 
> on the hump any more. Do I have the wrong type of speedo 
> drive or something? What should go there? Where would I 
> find the right thing? I can still make the hump fit, but 
> the speedo drive would be rubbing pretty hard against the 
> hump housing. Would this be okay?
>      TIA
> Bill Brewer
> Tehachapi, CA  <<

Stan Kinmonth
1974 TR6, Frame-off coming back together

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