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RE: TR3 Rear Shock Mounts

Subject: RE: TR3 Rear Shock Mounts
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 17:53:47 -0700
>      If I just torque everything down with grade 8 bolts and lock washers
> will that be enough to hole it against the mounts securely?

Bill :

I am using grade 8 bolts, torqued well beyond where lock washers work (ever
wonder why you don't see lock washers on rod bolts ?).  They still work
loose every few years.  (Even more often with lock washers.)  In fact, I
think I heard the tell-tale clunk today (driving the car with a dying

I haven't done anything about mine yet, but I was considering adding a heavy
gauge "tap plate" to the backside of the mount, with threads in it, and then
using tapered collars similar to those found on most truck drive axles
(where the full floating axle attaches to the hub) under the heads of socket
head cap screws to locate the shock.  Not exactly stock, but it should never
come loose again !  However, it's possible the collars would exert enough
side pressure to break the shock housing ...


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