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RE: TR3 Rear Shock Mounts

Subject: RE: TR3 Rear Shock Mounts
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 18:02:03 -0700
Cc: "[unknown]" <>
> The conclusion drawn from this very superficial review is that the 316 and
> 8-18 stainless steel socket head cap screws are just a little less strong
> than a grade 5 hex head cap screw.  But these bolt are in shear
> and nothing
> here indicates whether one is better in this mode than the other.  Perhaps
> the strength numbers are a good indication.  If so then the best choice is
> the alloy steel socket head cap screw.

The SHCS was my choice, both for tensile strength and because there isn't
much room around the head.

However, for this application, I don't think tensile or shear strength is
all that big an issue.  It's more important that the fastener remain tight
even after repeated differential expansion as the shock body expands and
contracts due to heat.  They do get hot with spirited driving !  It's also
important that there be no lateral play, which means the shank of the bolt
should fit snugly in the holes.  Elimination of the lateral play is why I'm
thinking of using a tapered collar to wedge between the bolt and the shock


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