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Re: Buying a TR6 - or a Herald 1200 Convertible?

Subject: Re: Buying a TR6 - or a Herald 1200 Convertible?
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 08:25:24 +0100
References: <>
User-agent: Turnpike/6.00-U (<LxVf5jpHTJ4KxZf4nSFlqLdH9U>)
In article <>, writes
>Geesh, I take an afternoon off from e-mail and look what I missed: Herald
>questions asked and answered! :-)

You're going to have to get modems for your Heralds!
>There isn't much left for me to add, I guess, except to point out that there
>are a couple "flavors" of stock Herald 1200 engine. The earlier version put
>out a whopping 39-40hp and the later "12/50" engine a mind-boggling 48-51hp
>(Hey, it is about 25% increase), both from the same single Solex.

I've seen a few mentions of the 12/50 on the Web, but only a few.   When 
was it brought in?   Not that I am desperate for horsepower, but a 
little extra could come in handy...

> Simply
>bolting dual SU HS2s on the earlier engine will gain you maybe 5-7 hp at the
>possible expense of some low-end torque. Still a worthwhile and quick boost.

15% increase in power, for very little effort.   Sounds worthwhile to 
>Doing the same thing on the "12/50" engine (which already uses the Spitfire
>camshaft), and milling the head and possibly doing a few other little
>massage-type operations, brings you pretty close to the 1147 Spitfire's

But would I be able to handle such a powerful beast?
>As everyone else has noted, the best "driver's" car would start with the
>later chassis from GA80001 or GB1/GD1 and future. This chassis will also
>allow an OD gearbox to be dropped in behind the engine of your choice
>(including a 1296 or 1493 if so inclined). OR, if you're less concerned with
>major Motorway speeds, you might be very happy with a relatively stock engine
>complete with Solex B30PSE1 carburetor.

I am less concerned with going very fast than I am with having a very 
pretty four-seat convertible to drive the family around in.   If I see a 
car I like, for a price I like, and it has the single Solex, I shall 
certainly drive it for a while before deciding whether to upgrade the 
carbs to HS2s.   I dislike the idea of engine transplants and such like 
on a relatively stock classic.

>I've only nine
>or so at the moment,

That "only" worries me...

Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea"

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