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Re: Hackers that send viruses

To: Triumph Newsgroup <>
Subject: Re: Hackers that send viruses
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 19:34:47 -0600
I don't normally respond to such nonsense, but as someone with a doctorate
in computer technology and a chief technology officer for a public school
district I can't let this one slide.

Mr. Young's statement of partial blame is about as stupid and uninformed
as stating that the United States, New York, and Israel are some how
partly to blame for terrorism.  Schools spend a lot of resources and
monies protecting equipment and software from "pranksters" that could be
much more ideally spent on the education of children.  Similar to
defending against terrorism, money is spent on defending the status quo
instead of expanding horizons.

What we are talking about is individuals that have no respect for the
property (virtual or physical) of others.  This type of anti-social
behavior shows a lack of character can't be excused or justified at all.

Randall Young wrote:
> Just to play Devil's Advocate for a moment, I'd like to point out that at
> least some viruses are written by kids as a prank.  Most of them are not
> even particularly destructive, in spite of the 'official estimates' of
> millions of dollars lost.
> Frankly, operating a computer on the Internet without adequate protection
> against viruses could be likened to having a swimming pool without a
> fence around it, an "attractive nuisance".  At least part of the blame
> should fall on those who make it so easy for viruses to propagate.
> Randall - with my Nomex undies on !!!

God bless,

Dr. Evan Todd Yeager, Ed.D.
The Yeager Group
1302 Monroe Street
Commerce, Texas  75428


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