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Re: Semantics

Subject: Re: Semantics
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 20:21:05 EST
In a message dated 11/26/2001 6:01:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> And what's this about the Triumph sedan? If the semantics are so
> critical here, shouldn't we keep to form and call it a Standard Eight
> or Ten please, Mr Mace - and nothing else? <g> That's what it was
> everywhere else - apart from North America, and let's face it, you
> didn't buy it in too much of an abundance anyway. Good heavens, Mr.
> Maudslay will be turning in his grave!
Well, John, we did manage to scoop up around 16,250 examples in the US alone: 
9,378 sedans and 6,872 wagons. I don't have sales figures for 10s (or 8s or 
even Triumph Pennants sold in Canada). Blame "marketing" for the 
nomenclature. (Doesn't one ALWAYS blame marketing?) Besides, wasn't the 
"taxable horse power" rating classification/nomenclature of British saloon 
cars just a wee bit anachronistic by 1957 or so?

Mr. Maudslay ever turned in his grave, it might have been at the sight of the 
Phase II Vanguard. Or the Pennant. :-)

In good fun,


Andrew Mace, Vice President, Member Services
  and 10 (and now Pennant!)/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Vehicle Consultant
The Vintage Triumph Register <>

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