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Re: TR4 Transmission - what to do?

To: Malcolm Walker <>
Subject: Re: TR4 Transmission - what to do?
From: Doug Mathews <>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 21:31:13 -0500
Some year ago....maybe late 70's, I purchased a basket case 57 TR3 and 
managed to get the engine started with out a lot of work, but there was 
this strange knocking sound which I took to be an engine know. When I put 
it in gear, I piston came right though the block.  Later after I had my TR4 
for a while, I needed to have the tranny rebuilt in the 4, so I decide 
while it was out and away, I'd put the old TR3 tranny in the 4.  I did and 
when I cranked the 4, I heard the same old knocking that I heard before the 
TR3 blew the engine.  Too much coincidence since I had no knocking in the 
TR4 before. I quickly removed the TR3 tranny and waited till the 4 tranny 
was rebuilt. My only point here is that wathc that knock and if it were my 
car..I'm not so sure I'd drive it if the tranny had a knock.

Anyone else have similar experiences?

At 06:11 PM 11/20/01 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>After a long period of lurking (and not lurking), thought I'd pop back
>to drop this oft-asked question:
>My transmission is failing.  What shall I do?
>The symptoms: gear selector is feeling 'loose', gears are noisy, faint
>steady knocking noise that corresponds to wheel speed (most audible when
>coasting to a stop for a stoplight).  The noise has been getting
>steadily worse, but the loose selector & knocking noise are brand new,
>only happened for one day (er, early morning, returning home at 2AM)
>This is for a 1962 TR4 with (apparently) stock transmission, non-OD.
>My question:  What sort of things should I buy?  Is it time to do a
>clutch job too, or should I inspect first?  Gaskets / gasket material to
>get?  Special tools?  Should I go for the 'magic clutch recipe, or stick
>with original stuff?
>Can I drop in a newer TR6 (or non-Triumph) transmission in, so that I
>can continue to drive while rebuilding the original?  How about older,
>eg. TR3 without synchro first?
>And if anyone's got links to HOWTO websites, or BTDT sites, I'd much
>appreciate it.  Looks like I will not be driving through winter, as I
>know that once the tranmission comes out I will be compelled to fix the
>floor.  And the fenders.  And the trunk.  And the hinges.  And the
>cowling.  Ugh.
>Thanks in advance,
>-Malcolm Walker, extreme lurker
>1962 TR4  CT10339L
>To know that which you do not know, is the best.
>                                         --Confucious

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