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RE: tr6 electric fan conversion

Subject: RE: tr6 electric fan conversion
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 18:06:09 -0700
Cc: autoX-Trumph List <>
David Massey wrote :
>  If you
> look at a fan blade from the side you will see that it is not
> straight.

Actually, many (most ?) aftermarket radiator fan blades _are_ straight, to
give equal (if somewhat diminished) efficiency for either direction of
rotation.  My Hayden has a blind hole in the blade assembly, so it can't be
reversed on the shaft anyway.

If you do find an automotive electric fan with cupped blades as Dave
describes, I'd be cautious about reversing it.  Many purpose-built fan
motors (computer 'muffin' fans being one good example) only have adequate
thrust washers/bearings in one direction.  Reversing the airflow will cause
them to wear rapidly, or even bind up.


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