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Re: tr6 electric fan conversion

Subject: Re: tr6 electric fan conversion
From: Randall <>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001 17:01:24 -0700
Cc: autoX-Trumph List <>
References: < >
I'm still a bit muzzy from the drive back from Breckenridge, but I think
the answer is "Yes, but ...".  Since the voltage generated by the fan
motor is the same polarity as the voltage to drive it, the diode would
have to go between the motor and the relay (or between the motor and
ground).  Either way, the diode will reduce the voltage available to the
motor, reducing it's cooling effectiveness.  The diode will also have to
be beefy enough to handle the motor starting current, and whatever
transients it can generate.

Either rewiring the lamp, or living with the 'feature' seems preferable
to me.  Another option _might_ be to use a higher-current bulb, that
would not glow brightly enough to be seen on the output of the fan


"F. Grant Robertson" wrote:
> wouldn't a properly placed diode solve all this mess?
> -fgr

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