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Re: Red-Line Driving

To: "David Massey" <>, " TR list" <>
Subject: Re: Red-Line Driving
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 01 11:21:57 -0700
>Why?  The power peaks well below redline and the torque peaks below that. 
>But the answer is that the red line is the masimum safe speed.  Driving
>upto redline will not cause the engine to break (although exceeding redline
>may) but engine wear will be more severe at the higher speeds.  On the
>other hand, one reason we own Triumphs is because we like overhauling

The reason the TR four cylinder engine is redlined at 4800 is that there 
is a nasty harmonic just a tad over 5000 RPM that tends to crack the 
crank at the base of the flywheel mounting flange.  The next big harmonic 
is approaching 6000 RPM.  With a little bottom end work you can have an 
engine that handles both.

Some of us own Triumphs because we do not feel satisfied driving behind 
someone else.

As I always say, reality is what you make of it.

TeriAnn Near Santa Cruz, California

My old car: 1960 Land Rover 109 owned since 1978
My new car: 1961 Triumph TR3A owned since 1986
  "Who could ask for anything more"

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