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FW:Overdrive Gear Switching

To: "''" <>
Subject: FW:Overdrive Gear Switching
From: "Evans, Mark" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 10:26:34 -0500
Scott Tilton wrote:

>>If you aren't on the interstate,  cruising in 3OD is really fun cause you can
>>downshift REALL QUICK to pass people, or to keep them from passing you.

I couldn't agree more here except I had a bad experience once. The lady in the
huge early 70's land yacht in front of me was going too slow. I was in 3rd/OD.
No problem. Flick the switch and stomp the gas now in 3rd and moving fast to
pass. Uh oh...she's making a left hand turn without using a signal. Big chrome
bumper meets passenger side door of TR4 with major BOOM! TR4 literally hops to
shoulder and I get her stopped. I was running with the tonneau closed over the
passenger side and all the glass from the door landed in my lap instead of my
face. End result: BRG stripe on big chrome bumper - nothing 5 minutes with
chrome polish won't fix. TR4 door no more...BRG door eventually replaced with
Signal Red door (ugly). Young Triumph driver have laundry to do but OK

Moral: Overdrive and youth can make one overly aggressive.

I still have the Signal Red door and the Overdrive. My youth left about 15 years
ago so I rely much less on luck.

Mark A. Evans

1966 TR4A IRS CTC63970 LO 'Tressy'

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