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Blind MG owners

To: "Mark the Shark" <>
Subject: Blind MG owners
From: David Massey <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 17:08:38 -0400
Cc: "Triumph mail list" <>, "Wedge List" <>
Message text written by "Mark the Shark"
>What gives with MG owners?  I was taking a lovely drive today in the TR8
coming towards me was a chrome bumpered "B".  I waved at him but he not
didn't wave back at me but didn't even look at me when he passed by. I've
owned a couple of B's in my life so I understand the rivalry between the
marques but to totally ignore me!  My girlfriend said "maybe he just didn't
see you?".  The man would have to be totally blind.

Mark, there are a few folks around that blame Triumph for the demise of the
MG.  The folks at BL, as this reasoning goes, sacrificed the MG for the
sake of Triumph sales.  In fact, in the latest issue of Moss Motoring is an
article on a still born MG project where the author repeats this line and
goes on to state that the MG was superior to the TR in every way.  (It was
at this point that I stopped reading the article - although Paul
Richardson's article was quite charming and informative)  This is not the
first time I heard it.  These folks (the ones who believe this, not MG
owners in general) blame Truimph in spite of the fact that the MG was an
outdated car in the 70's.  One writer at the time refered to it as "the
only replicar that never went out of production."

Or perhaps he just thought your car was Japanese.  ;-)

Oh, what disrespect we have to bear driving a car superior in every way.

Dave Massey (former MG owner - yeah it was fun but just not enough engine)

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