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Re: Left Lane Bandits (rant and rerant)

Subject: Re: Left Lane Bandits (rant and rerant)
From: "Joe Curry" <>
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 06:50:03 FILETIME=[3E965FA0:01C0EFE7]
Well, You know you are in Southern Arizona if:

10. There is no School tax.
9. Drivers licenses are renewed every 25 years!
8. The big event of the week is playing bumper cars in the WAL*MART parking 
lot (With real cars)
7. The cops driving around in the "Sheriff's Assist Vehicles" are all over 
60, don't carry guns and
can't issue citations.
6. You have to be at least 65 years old to live in certain communities.
5. Everybody gets a senior discount.
4. All cars have non functional turn signal cancellation devices.
3. Tires are replaced more often because the sidewalls are worn out than the 
2. There are designated Golf cart lanes
1. The little old lady who just pulled up beside you at the light in the 
biggest Cadillac you ever saw,
reached in the passenger seat for binoculars
so she could see the light change!


"Michael D. Porter" wrote:
>Joe Curry wrote:
> >
> > john matthews wrote:
> > >
> > > Wow,
> > >
> > > You people sure are passionate about other folks driving.
> > >
> > > Here in the SF Bay area I'm always amazed when I hear on the traffic 
> > > how someone's managed to roll their car on a straight, dry freeway in 
> > > hour traffic.
> >
> > In southern Arizona, we are never amazed by that sort of thing.  It's 
>because the mean age here is
about 150 years!!!  :)
> > >
> >
> > Joe
>Nah, Joe, it's only about 95 in Arizona... it's 150 in Florida. Florida
>is about the only place I know of where one can find one's self in the
>midst of a 200-car parade of Chrysler Le Barons in the left lane, each
>car with its turn signal on for thirty miles.... <smile> [Hyperbolic
>mode off <g>]

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