Top Ten Signs A Car(or Driver) Is From Pennsylvania(As Stated In The NJ MV
Drivers Handbook)
10. The tags are the wrong color
9. The body has holes through the door from salt(northern and western)
8. Left Lane means Slow Down to the limit
7. They got into NJ Free, but will pay to leave(one way tolls)
6. Freeze in real traffic circles
5. High Beams are for blinding oncoming traffic
4. One or more taillights inop/blinks alternatingly with the one next to
it(non-lucas cars)
3. Big yellow registration sticker in rear window(New!)
2. Turns at will without warning
1. Turn Signal an optional accessory for hanging spare keys on.
To mention traffic circles in a serious vein, I love them. I have watched
the well meaning but stupid transportation department destroy and remove at
least four of the best traffic circles in the state. (Airport Circle,
Camden; Race Track Circle and Ellisburgh Circle, Cherry Hill; and Medford
Circle, in Medford) Once you knew how to drive through them, you were
golden. I could hit a circle at any time, night or day, and be through it
safely no problem. The morons who couldn't figure it out killed NJ circles-
the greatest fun you can have in a car without hi speeds or a woman..
Simple rules to remember in a traffic circle(roundabout to those of the
English persuasion):
First- Traffic IN the circle has the right of way- If they can't get out,
you can't get in!
Second- Signal a left turn upon coming into the circle, and past exits you
are not taking. As you pass the exit prior to yours, switch to the right
signal, as you are departing the traffic pattern.
Third- Yield means STOP when there is traffic in the intersection(coming
around your section of the circle)
Fourth- there is only ONE lane in a traffic circle- no passing!
Fifth- remember to use circumspection when driving through a circle- drive
as though you are responsible for all the cars around you-in NJ you are!(I
drive like a fighter pilot- look everywhere at once, and stay aware of
everything around you. Really helps avoid problems)
Thankis for letting me vent- I love traffic circles, and am glad other
states have found them now (Md started using them recently, or at least
added a couple)
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