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Re: Left Lane Bandits

To: "Fred Marks" <>, "Scott A. Roberts" <>
Subject: Re: Left Lane Bandits
From: "Ptegler" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 10:01:43 -0400
Cc: <>
Organization: Gould Fiber Optics f57E0ci05717
References: <>
I have agree here. The fast lane is the fastest driver.
Who cares how fast you're going.
If someone is going faster.... YOU are in the wrong lane.

Some states even have laws that you're not suppose
to just cruise in the fast lane. All traffic is suppose
to be to the right accept when passing.
(PA use to be like that for example...don't know if it's still

Paul Tegler

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fred Marks" <>
To: "Scott A. Roberts" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 9:50 AM
Subject: Left Lane Bandits

> Scott A. Roberts wrote:

> But mostly,
> when I am running on a
> highway, I am over 70 to about 75/80, and if I'm in
> the left lane, I ignore
> flashes- I'm going fast enough... 

Scott, I don't mean to flame, but you better go don
your Nomex skivvies--'cause here it comes!  

That is SO obnoxious!  You're not alone though, as
this has become an annoying trait among many American
drivers--they just hang out in the left hand lane so
long as they're doing a speed THEY feel is FAST
ENOUGH.  And they'll stay out there in that left lane
all day because it's their God Given Right, dadburn

Having just driven Tampa to New York again a couple
weeks back I had to deal with this sort of nonsense
all the way up.  Hey, if I want to make 90 or better,
that's my business, and it's between me and the laws
(The Highway Patrol's AND Newton's)--meanwhile, do the
courteous thing and MOVE THE HELL OVER!

Left Lane Bandits cause accidents.  Being one at 75
mph is NO LESS rude, discourteous or unsafe than being
one at 45 mph. 

^s <soapbox mode OFF>
^n <napalm OFF>

Fred Marks
'69 GT6+ V6 Convert Proj.  10.24% complete
and yeah Scott, a BMW too >B-o
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