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Re: Just like teenagers

To: <>
Subject: Re: Just like teenagers
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 22:09:50 +0100
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Ken Waringa wrote:
I left the radio up and we cruised on home, with two smiles that lit
up the
road.  It was 30 years ago that we left the teenager years, but last
we felt it again.

I'm SO glad someone else has confessed in advance of me !!!!!!!
Three weeks back, I cornered a digitally reworked copy of George
Harrisons 1970 (?) album "All things must pass." Last time I had this
was in my GT6 on an 8 track. Canley Girl is now street legal and
finished apart from paint and 8 track has given way to an original
Sharp radio-cassette deck. For the last two days, I've found every
opportunity to go out for a 'blart' with some musical culture from our
George and the years just fall away to the track "What is Life?." Only
trouble is that I'm now not too far off pensionable age, overweight,
back in overdrive third at high rpm, I've blown both door speakers
with my exuberance - and what the hell. It's youth relived in your
favourite car - the one you always promised yourself but could never


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