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Re: Just like teenagers

To: John Macartney <>
Subject: Re: Just like teenagers
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 06:53:20 -0600
Cc:, Triumph List <>
Organization: Barely enough
References: <002a01c0eed8$2e299e80$84e407c3@jonmac>
John Macartney wrote:
> Ken Waringa wrote:
> I left the radio up and we cruised on home, with two smiles that lit
> up the
> road.  It was 30 years ago that we left the teenager years, but last
> night
> we felt it again.
> I'm SO glad someone else has confessed in advance of me !!!!!!!
> Three weeks back, I cornered a digitally reworked copy of George
> Harrisons 1970 (?) album "All things must pass." Last time I had this
> was in my GT6 on an 8 track. 

Trying to get to sleep for a brief bit and, accidentally, listening to
"Here Comes the Sun," from the "Abbey Road" album, and while listening,
thinking I've always been accused of being a sort of cool jazz and beat
poetry guy, but, it hit me a bit hard when I heard, yesterday, that John
Hartford died Monday afternoon. Still thinking about all those
afternoons I spent with "Aereo-Plain," some of the freshest, funniest
bluegrass (or "newgrass," if you will) I've ever heard. He was a musical
talent without perceptible technical flaws, and as best as I can
determine from his music, a kind human being of great and good humor.
British friends might not understand lines like, "like to be sitting in
a deck chair, high over Kansas City, in a real, live, steam-powered
aereo-plain," (a paean to low-technology) or "there's something's that
looks like a `lectric shaver where the courthouse use to be," (a
back-handed look at so-called progress).

He will be missed. Gonna have to get a tape of "Aereo-plain" and turn it
up full blast, and see if the local cops arrest me for, as the frequent
charge in my area is, "noise, generally."

Cheers, all.

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