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Just like Teenagers

To: "Triumphs" <>, "MG" <>
Subject: Just like Teenagers
From: "Ken Waringa" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 07:32:38 -0500
Just wanted to relay an event that took place last night that I feel is the
essence of our little British cars.

My wife and I were on our way home from our monthly car club meeting about 9
pm.  Top down, wind in the hair, classic rock on the radio.  Pink Floyd's
The Wall comes on and Christine asks me to turn it up.  Jokingly, I crank
the radio right up so it really blasting.  She turns to me with a grin from
ear to ear and says "Just like teenagers again".

I left the radio up and we cruised on home, with two smiles that lit up the
road.  It was 30 years ago that we left the teenager years, but last night
we felt it again.


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