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Re: TR-4 drain pipes

To: "john matthews" <>
Subject: Re: TR-4 drain pipes
From: Will <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 10:04:07 +0100
References: <>
>I'm getting ready to replace my front wings and was wondering what people
>have done to improve of the factory drain setup (dumping water and dirt into
the wing so they rot from inside).

Assuming this is the same setup as a 6: During last years rebuild 
Moss recommended TR3 rubber cooling system pipes, running from the 
drain pipe out through a hole in the baffle plates. I think any 
rubber piping could be used in the same way & has to be an 
improvement over Triumph's system. BTW I believe Triumph did re-route 
the drainage in the last (US only?) TR6s. Anyone know if that is true?

William Davies
1975 TR6 PI

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