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Re: TR3a tub colouring & update

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: TR3a tub colouring & update
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 13:53:34 EST
In a message dated Thu, 22 Mar 2001  1:09:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, "David 
A. Templeton" <> writes:

<< The tub and body panels will be going into the body man really soon and I 
want to make sure I get the "colouring" scheme right. The entire body & panels 
are painted in the colour of choice then the inside of the fenders are black?  
>> long as the "colour of choice" also is black. Otherwise, the whole 
body tub and its bolt-on bits are body colour inside and out.

..unless you WANT the insides of the fenders to be black, which is ok. It's 
your car! But you'll lose points in a judged Concours. :-)

--Andy Mace

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