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re: BMW "Z" as TR (Long, Was is TR coming back?)

To: "" <>, Triumph List <>
Subject: re: BMW "Z" as TR (Long, Was is TR coming back?)
From: Anthony Rhodes <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 18:02:27 -0500
I also think the BMW "Z" is very distinctive.  I think most people will not 
confuse it with any
other car.  It is sort of ugly.  The sedan version is worse, but I like the 
ugly duckling.
I agree that the curves and proportions are all in the right places.

just my HO.


>Depends on HOW it is done.  When I say the Z would be
>a good basis for a TR renaissance it's because the Z
>is mechanically a great automobile, and posesses some
>key elements I believe are essential in a Triumph.  
>So far as styling goes--While I understand styling is
>a very personal thing, I don't think anyone can argue
>that the Z's styling is anything _but_ distinctive. 
>Like it or not it is instantly recognizable.  The same
>can be said for many of our friendly LBCs.  (To avoid
>goring anyone's ox I won't name any in particular, but
>there are some LBCs which IMHO come pretty close to
>being "butt ugly.")  

>The basic elements are there. Long bonnet, short
>decklid, bulges in the right places, big motor.  The
>formula could work. Just make sure to make it a
>Triumph.  Hmm.  What does that mean exactly?
>My $0.02 worth...
>Fred Marks

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