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BMW "Z" as TR (Long, Was is TR coming back?)

To: Laura Gharazeddine <>, David Massey <>, "Bowen, Patrick" <>
Subject: BMW "Z" as TR (Long, Was is TR coming back?)
From: Fred Marks <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 09:20:06 -0800 (PST)
Cc: "''" <>, "''" <>

Depends on HOW it is done.  When I say the Z would be
a good basis for a TR renaissance it's because the Z
is mechanically a great automobile, and posesses some
key elements I believe are essential in a Triumph.  

So far as styling goes--While I understand styling is
a very personal thing, I don't think anyone can argue
that the Z's styling is anything _but_ distinctive. 
Like it or not it is instantly recognizable.  The same
can be said for many of our friendly LBCs.  (To avoid
goring anyone's ox I won't name any in particular, but
there are some LBCs which IMHO come pretty close to
being "butt ugly.")  

As someone who has owned three TR6s in the past, to me
the only roadster in the game today with the "Stuff"
that made the TR great is the big Z.  Power & torque,
great handling and a fair dose of "attitude."  I've
driven them and they're great!

The basic elements are there. Long bonnet, short
decklid, bulges in the right places, big motor.  The
formula could work. Just make sure to make it a
Triumph.  Hmm.  What does that mean exactly?

To me that means make it something simple, but
Don't overengineer it and make it too fancy.  Basic Z3
underpinnings, 6 cyl, 5-speed. Good brakes, good
suspension.  Take out all the power crap, if I wanted
that I'd buy another Beemer.  No power assists.  Two
good bucket seats, a nice walnut fascia.  Tune the
exhaust loud(er). Make her light, strong & fast.
Build her in England, and wrap her up in a roadster
body that is sleek, simple and purposeful, and not
necessarily "retro."  Sell it for under 30 kilobucks
and I know I'd be a player.

I see nothing wrong with continuing evolution of the
species.  Put a TR3 next to a TR6 and they look
nothing alike, but they're still equally Triumphs. 
Even more striking if you compare a TR8!  Anyway, It
wouldn't be so much like digging up old mum & "tarting
her up" so much as it would be like having the
opportunity to date "old mum's" hot granddaughter :-)

My $0.02 worth...

Fred Marks
GT6 V6 Conv. Project 
ex '71 TR6
ex '72 TR6 x 2

--- Laura Gharazeddine <> wrote:
> > There's nothign wrong with dreaming, eh?  Like
> > wouldn't it be nice if they resurrected the old
> TR6
> > and stuffed in an M3 DOHC I-6.   I know, never
> happen.
> Except I cringe at the sorts of ugly, "retro"
> stylings they would come up with-certainly nothing
> as beautiful as the original. Would you really want
> to see that-just for the sake of being able to walk
> into a BMW dealership and see a psuedo (certainly
> 'redesigned' and 'updated') Triumph badge? Why, it
> would be like digging up my late mum and tarting her
> up like Britney Spears!
> > Actually, I suppose I could picture a rebodied Z3
> as a
> > Triumph TR9.  
> It would have to be greatly rebodied-the Z3 being
> one of the uglier of the popular designs out there.
> (IMHO ;-)
> >Michelotti still designing coachwork? 
> Purtroppo, Michelotti passed on in 1980.
> Laura G.
> Vita brevis est: rapide agite, vigore strigate!
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