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RE: TR4 - Wet Brakes - Scary Problem

To: Triumph Mailing List <>
Subject: RE: TR4 - Wet Brakes - Scary Problem
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 10:55:47 -0700
Organization: Navcom Tech, Inc
Steven :

IMO your problem is likely to be a leaking (or missing) residual pressure 
valve.  Warped rotors would cause the problem almost immediately, while air in 
the lines would cause it all the time.


Steven Newell wrote:
> So I really meant to ask: does that mean I probably
> have either bad rotors or a broken pressure limit valve? Or I just need to
> bleed the brakes? Or all of the above?

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