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RE: Lead Fuel Additive

To: triumphs <>
Subject: RE: Lead Fuel Additive
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 10:52:30 -0700
Organization: Navcom Tech, Inc
Keep in mind, if this stuff is what it claims to be (genuine Tetraethyl Lead), 
it is _very_ poisonous, can be absorbed through the skin, and the effects are 
cumulative.  The vapors are also hazardous.  Chronic low-level exposure affects 
the reproductive system, etc.

Couldn't find a statement on how fast it penetrates nitrile gloves, but latex 
gloves are no protection.  OSHA recommends full Tyvek clothing and a respirator 

I found a MSDS at

Be careful.

John A. Simmons wrote:
> Yes, it is Vogel Products, Inc. (812) 376-2776.  The product is call MAX
> LEAD 2000.  It is both a lead additive and a octane booster.  24 oz. in 20
> gal. while boost octane to 101.  Been using it about a year with good
> results.

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