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Re: Triumph TR6 on the dyno [long]

To:, "" <>
Subject: Re: Triumph TR6 on the dyno [long]
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 02:20:40 -0400
References: <> wrote:
> Good question, I asked.  Non-US TR6s received the Lucas mecahnical fuel
> injection system which, in the 1969-1970 models, was reputed to develop 150hp.
> The 1974 US-spec TR6 was quoted at 104hp.  Direct comparisons are not really
> possible, because the methodology of quoting horsepower changed over the
> years. 

  While you are totally correct about comparing HP across years
as being impossible, from all the reading I've been doing the
104 and the 150hp figures are from the same years, which would
be the early TR6s and likely the TR5/250 combo as well.

  As the years of the TR6 went on, the 150hp of the UK spec
car got knocked down a few pegs, I think it finished up around
125hp. I am unsure of the details why, it wasn't emissions. Maybe
it was trying to improve the reliability of the PI and the
manners of that crazy cam?

Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933
"You cost me my leg! And my favourite one!" - Cornfed, as Petrov

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