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Re: Fashion advice? chilly morning in a TR4

To: Fred Thomas <>, Triumph Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: Fashion advice? chilly morning in a TR4
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 11:49:12 -0600
Organization: Crave Technology
References: <> <04b101c018f4$3818a540$066eaccf@vafred>
Fred Thomas wrote:

> I see a lot of Miata drivers with those fur collar jackets, some MG's,
> most of the T/R drivers are usually in their club T-Shirts.  <g>  "FT"
> > Any recommendations for leather jackets with those fluffy collars?

Good point, Fred. I used to drive the CJ5 with just a bikini top till
New Years, in central Ohio. Heater never worked, so in freezing
rain I'd take the door off so I could scrape the windshield as I drove.
Guess I'm getting soft driving a cushy roll-up window TR. Maybe I'll
just drape the tonneau over my shoulders and keep giving a cheery
wave to Miata owners with their tops up and heaters blazing. <g>

Steven Newell
Denver, CO
'62 TR4

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