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Re: Fashion advice? chilly morning in a TR4

Subject: Re: Fashion advice? chilly morning in a TR4
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 17:26:55 EDT
In a message dated 09/07/2000 10:20:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Any recommendations for leather jackets with those fluffy collars?
 It's a bit cool in the mornings, and I understand now why the
 car mags carry adverts for RAF jackets -- since my neck's stiff
 this morning after a cool drive to work. I really didn't want to
 look like I was trying too hard to look the part, but I *do* drive
 the car every day. My snowboard jacket and the polarfleece
 neckwarmer just don't do justice.
 Anyone have a jacket they really like?
 Steven Newell >>


Check out Barnes and Noble magazine section for British magazines about 
antique airplanes.  I can't remember the specific name, but I read these 
occasionally, and they have a number of ads for replicas of WWII flying and 
bomber jackets...along with leather helmets and goggles!

Sit down before you read them though and be prepared for sticker shock.


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