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Re-bushing a PI throttle shaft.

To: "2000- Register" <>
Subject: Re-bushing a PI throttle shaft.
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 22:53:09 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Triumph List" <>
Just a tip for PI aficionados with a sloppy throttle shaft - though it's 
probably been
done before. Today I received two throttle bushes from Rimmers, part no 138490 
- though
£2.50 each plus VAT seemed a bit steep. Wasn't too sure what they'd be made of 
and was a
bit dismayed to find they were of a fairly hard material that might soften in 
water. Some parts books say fit three, some say two. I received two and leaving 
them in
boiling water to soften was about as much use as parsley on boiled fish..
Once I'd removed the spindle supports from the front and rear manifolds, it was 
clear I'd
need one helluva 'persuading tool' to get the bush inserted. Instead, I cut it 
through in
one side with a craft knife and then carefully cut another 1/8th inch off the 
length. By carefully dribbling some washing up liquid into the groove around 
the bush
periphery, I carefully inserted one end into the hole on the spindle support 
(held in a
vice) - twisting it into the mounting plate bit by bit with some long point 
pliers and a
small screwdriver in tyre lever fashion. It's a doddle. Both plates were 
re-bushed with
absolutely no slop on the shaft and back in place within ten minutes of 
starting. The
difference is unbelievable!


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