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Re: Toe In/Out Front/Rear

To: "Bill Brewer" <>
Subject: Re: Toe In/Out Front/Rear
From: David Massey <>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 12:13:13 -0400
Cc: "Triumphs" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Bill Brewer"
>While we're talking toe-in,
     In my 1960 TR-3A I have 1/8 inch toe-in. It seems like you have to
steer the car to make it go straight. My wife complains that I weave. Would
increasing the toe-in to 1/4 inch make it go straight better? What do other
listers set their toe-in at?

     Bill Brewer

Not really.  Caster angle is what determines self centering.  Much more
than toe-in.  Cars without power steering do not have much caster because
the driver has to overcome the self-centering effect to negotiate a turn
and less caster makes for easier steering.  More toe-in will just increase
tire scrub and concequently wear.

Caster is not adjustable in a TR3.  (Well, yes it is if you have a frame
rack or use offset bushings.)


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