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"Treasures" found at the CTR swap

Subject: "Treasures" found at the CTR swap
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 20:38:43 EDT
Fellow listers,

I went to the Connecticut Triumph Auto Jumble today and believe it or not the 
weather cooperated, no rain.  I think that this is the first time that it 
hasn't rained in the last three years that I have been going.  Too bad the 
showing of vendors was light, probably due to the prediction of a rainy and 
windy day.  Unfortunately, there was very little TR2/3/3A stuff.  However, if 
you are a TR6 fan there was piles of 6 parts, lots of electrics and light 
lenses.  Also some MG and Austin fenders and mics. parts.

A few members showed up in their "pleasure" cars, and we got to enjoy looking 
at fine specimens of British manufacturing.  I don't have the owner's name, 
but there was a white '76 TR6 that was entirely original with only 30 
something thousand miles.  This car was not perfect in a concours sense, but 
wonderful in it's drivable unrestored state.  It appeared as though it was 
only a few years old.  

The treasures that I found were a Starrett 6" dial vernier in the original 
storage case and an Ammco 2" micrometer in the original box.  The vernier was 
almost like new and the micrometer has probably never been used.  The best 
part is that I picked up the pair for a total of 20 bucks!  Now that's a 
deal!  The cheap verniers from China go for $20 in the Harbor Freight 
catalog.  I also bought a " 1999 Wickham Park British Motoring Gathering "  
tee shirt for $5, and renewed my CTR membership.  Any of you Connecticut 
listers may want to consider joining the CTR, if only to help support these 

As always Bob Wanta had several examples of vintage British Iron in his 
garage.  All were undergoing some type of restoration.  Bob is a real 
gentleman for welcoming everyone into his facility.  He is a pleasure to talk 
to, as one can see that he still really enjoys working on these relics.

Well that's it until next year.

Gary Bouffard
59 TR3A TS58399

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