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RE: Mystery Engine Found in Mayflower

To: "'Andrew Mace'" <>
Subject: RE: Mystery Engine Found in Mayflower
From: "Dave Moag" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 16:51:16 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "'Triumphs Mailing List (E-mail)'" <>, <>
Importance: Normal

Well the trans sure looked strange. There was some sort of lever thing that
came up out of the top of the bell housing --- maybe something to do with
the clutch was all I could guess. My friend knows even less about cars than
I do (which means he knows next to nothing), so it should be a fun project

Thanks for the clues,


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Andrew Mace
> Sent: Sunday, August 22, 1999 4:56 PM
> To: Dave Moag
> Cc: Triumphs Mailing List (E-mail);
> Subject: Re: Mystery Engine Found in Mayflower
> On Sun, 22 Aug 1999, Dave Moag wrote:
> > I visited a friend today who is beginning a restoration of
> a Mayflower. It
> > appears to have a strange engine in it. On the LHD side it
> has MOWOG and a 3
> > under it, and a big 1500 stamped in it. On the RHD side it
> has Pat. No.
> > 565391 and a serial number 15GC-U-H 18911. The head has 3
> exhaust ports and
> > 2 intake ports. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
> Sounds like a BMC "A" series 1500cc engine to me, I'm
> guessing from an
> MGA 1500. I suppose the mystery is why and how it got stuffed into a
> Mayflower, and what the rest of the drivetrain is! :-)
> --Andy
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> * Andrew Mace, President and                *
> *   10/Herald/Vitesse (Sports 6) Consultant *
> * Vintage Triumph Register <>    *
> *                     *
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> p.s. REAL Mayflowers have long-stroke, flathead Standard motors! :-)

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