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Re: State of the List

To: Joe Flake <>, Triumph List <>
Subject: Re: State of the List
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 18:30:12 -0600
Organization: @Home Network
References: <>
Mr. Flake,

It would be a good idea for you to figure out the difference between
copying something INTO a message versus REPLYING to a message before you
go off the deep end.  

On my computer replying to a message appends the reply to the original
message.  And in the long run it's better (saves time and bandwidth) to
have that message for reference than send three or more messages going:
What message? Oh that message? Send me a copy of that message? Or have
to dig it out of an archive.

Your post does nothing towards a solution with phrases such as:

"do some fancy mouse clicks if you can't run a keyboard"
"equally valid in the next 10-20 messages which quoted Henry's entire
original one"
"equally valid when Bud sent them again!"
"in general think before posting"
"engage brain before starting to type"

That kind of arrogance and attitude only adds to the problem.  Your post
criticizes duplication then proceeds to repeat everything that's been
already said (and I didn't include it so you'll have to go find it
yourself) ten times over.  At least I had ONE new suggestion.
I couldn't find a shred of a new idea in your post on how to make things
better, making it the longest "me too" I've ever seen.

Yeah I'm pissed so flame away.


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