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Re: TR4 engine rebuild

To: Brian Sanborn <>
Subject: Re: TR4 engine rebuild
From: Fred Thomas <>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 15:04:20 -0400
References: <>
Ken Gallanders at Brit. Frame & engine has 89mm.

Brian Sanborn wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Aug 1999 11:16:53 EDT wrote:
> >
> > I'm the guy what started the 4vs6 string a month ago. I'm looking to do a
> > engine rebuild this winter - and who knows what else - and want to start
> > with the 87mm pistons. British Parts NW is offering a kit in the VTR
> > magazine for $410 versus the $590 or so in Moss, TRF etc. Man on the phone
> > at BPNW says piston heads are german (Mass?) and the rest is English, with
> > three rings, and more advanced than the Hepolites recommended years ago inn
> > the TR4 Comp Prep manual. Does anyone have experience with these? I've not
> > bought before from BPNW, but I read that many listers use them regularly.
> > Thanks in advance. I'm sure I'll be back with much more before this is
> > done.
> >
> > John
> John,
> First of all... you will find that Moss and TRF don't necessaryly have stock 
>for the 87mm parts.
> I used the BPNW 87mm piston liner set in my TR4 engine rebuild last winter.  
>I have 1,100+ miles on the car now and the engine strong and smooth.  I think 
>the german pistom mfg compant Mauhle.
> The pistons look different than AEs I took out... that were 15+ years old.... 
> but were better according to my racing engine building machine shop owner.
> It up to you.  In my case BPNW had the only 87mm solution and they worked out 
> Brian Sanborn
> 62 TR4 CT16260L - Groton, MA

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